Figure 11 - Effect of pharyngeal water injection on UES resting pressure.

From the following article

Reflex interaction of pharynx, esophagus, and airways

Reza Shaker

GI Motility online (2006)



a: Rapid-pulse injection of 0.2 mL of room-temperature water resulted in augmentation of UES pressure from 55 to 137 mmHg. As seen, this augmentation persisted for 22 seconds until it returned to baseline after a dry swallow (DS). Esoph, esophageal; EMG, electromyogram. b: Slow continuous infusion of room-temperature water also resulted in an increase of preinfusion pressure of 80 to 200 mmHg measured 3 seconds before a swallow occurred. (Source: Shaker et al.85 with permission from the American Physiological Association)

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