Call for Papers: Physical Activity and Health

Special Issue Editors: Masashi Miyashita, David Thivel & Stephen Burns

European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (EJCN) is delighted to announce this call for a special issue on the topic of physical activity and health. This broad title hopes to capture the latest human research on areas that include, but are not restricted to: assessment/methodology of physical activity; epidemiology of physical activity and type 2 diabetes; physical activity intervention trials for chronic disease; physical activity and appetite regulation, or cognitive function or musculoskeletal disease. The editors welcome the submission of original articles, systematic reviews, perspectives and brief communications. All submitted papers will be fast-tracked but will undergo EJCN’s peer review process.

Interested authors must email any of the editors a draft abstract or ideas page that also highlights the novelty of the manuscript. This crucial step will determine suitability and save time all around.  

Deadline for submission: 30th September 2024.  

Direct initial queries with subject heading “Special issue: Physical Activity and Health” and email either:

  1. Associate Editor, Masashi Miyashita at
  2. Professor David Thivel at
  3. Associate Professor Stephen Burns at