In the commentary:

Dobson M, Pillon L, Kwon O, Innes N. Chlorhexidine gel to prevent alveolar osteitis following mandibular third molar extractions.

Evid Based Dent. 2018 Mar 23; 19 (1): 16-17. doi:10.1038/sj.ebd.6401288 PubMed PMID: 29568027.

The question detailed in the abstract was printed incorrectly as:

Question: In unrestored primary and permanent teeth with dentinal caries, what are the effects of stepwise, partial or no dentinal caries removal compared with complete caries removal?

The question should have been printed as:

Question: Does chlorhexidine (CHX) gel placed in the extraction socket postoperatively reduce the incidence of alveolar osteitis (AO) after a mandibular third molar extraction?