
Nason KN, Byrne H, Nason GJ, O'Connell B. Eur J Dent Educ 2018; 22: 30–33

This study examined the Facebook profiles of all students studying at Dublin Dental School, including dental science, dental nursing, hygiene and dental technology students. One hundred and seventy-seven students (62%; n = 287) had an identifiable Facebook profile. About one third of the profiles linked themselves to the university and around two thirds identified themselves specifically to a dental course. Profiles were scored as (1) = clear violations of professionalism, (2) = questionable content, (3) = no issues. Six profiles were scored as (1), with content which might include racially insensitive comments. With scores of (2), 34% had questionable content and 25% had photographs showing unprofessional public intoxication and 'levels of nudity'. Scores of (2) were not isolated to any particular course.

As students mature and gain experience, their increasing maturity (and decreasing free time) may alter their use and perceptions of social media. However, the paper highlights the importance for all dental professionals to take care of what is posted and to check privacy settings, on all social media accounts.