Software of Excellence's newly launched EXACT V12 signals a pivotal moment in dentistry, as for the first time it presents the means by which to seamlessly connect marketing and business functions. Using software enhancements dentists will be able to truly understand the return on investment achieved from their marketing activity and take full advantage of new digital communication platforms, helping to attract more new patients and increase revenue.

EXACT V12 includes brand new modules that enable practices to optimise online search engines and to widely distribute positive patient recommendations which will benefit their website ranking. The new Marketing Manager module enables practices to send targeted, automated communications to specific patient lists and instantly track results; including number of phone enquiries, appointments booked and treatment uptake. Practices can then delve even deeper by allocating unique telephone numbers to campaigns, which via the Channel Track module, records calls and monitors which communications are most effective. This ability to accurately monitor results and calculate return on investment (ROI) is a major step forward for practices.

EXACT V12's focus on patient marketing now enables dental practices to take control of an automated patient communication plan, optimising their online presence and using digital platforms to maximum effect as part of a fully co-ordinated marketing strategy.

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