Guide to authors

Manuscript submissions

Communications Engineering is a selective open access journal from Nature Portfolio publishing high-quality research, reviews and commentary in all areas of engineering. Research papers published by the journal represent significant advances for a specialized area of engineering research. In general, to be acceptable, a paper should report some new thinking with resulting advance in engineering opportunity, capability or benefit.  We welcome research which translates engineering concepts towards real world application; this includes field studies.  We welcome industrial and collaborative research contributions.  Finally, we are interested in publishing applied science: the creation of new knowledge or insight acquired for a specific practical application. We do not publish fundamental research in physics, chemistry, biology or computer science.  

Please see our submission guidelines for key information on submitting primary research for publication in Communications Engineering.

Editors and contact information

Our editorial team includes both in-house professional editors and active researchers who are members of our Editorial Board. Our in-house editors and Editorial Board Members work closely together to develop the editorial standards of the journal. Information about our editors can be found at the links above.

For general editorial enquiries, including manuscript submission queries, please contact

Contact details for other enquiries, including advertising and sponsorship opportunities, can be found here.

Relationship to other Nature Portfolio journals

Communications Engineering is editorially independent, and its editors make their own decisions independently of the other Nature Portfolio journals. For papers that could satisfy the scope of more than one Nature Portfolio journal, the choice of which journal to submit to lies with the authors. Nature and the Nature-branded research journals apply the highest level of editorial selectivity for impact and significance. Nature Communications applies high editorial selectivity and publishes advances of significance to specialists within a field. Communications Engineerings is also editorially selective but with more relaxed editorial expectations.  All Nature Portfolio journals, including Communications Engineering, apply the same criteria for technical validity and adherence to ethical standards. More information about editorial policies at Nature Portfolio can be found at

If a paper is declined for publication by a Nature journal, we have a simple automated service to enable authors to transfer a submission to Communications Engineering via a link sent to them by the editor handling the manuscript at the original journal.  The paper is then assessed for editorial suitability by our editorial team.  Authors should note that if a paper has already been out to review, referees' comments (including any confidential comments to the editor) and identities are transferred to the editor of the second journal along with the manuscript. The journal editors will take the previous reviews into account when making their decision, although in some cases the editors may choose to take advice from additional referees.

Alternatively, authors may choose to request a fresh review, in which case they should not use the automated transfer link, and the editors will evaluate the paper without reference to the previous review process.

In cases where manuscripts are declined by the editors of Communications Engineering, authors may wish to use the same manuscript transfer service to submit their paper to Scientific Reports or other in-house journals. Scientific Reports is an open-access journal covering all areas of the natural and clinical sciences and offering rapid publication on; more information can be found here. Please note that transfer to Scientific Reports may require reformatting after submission to ensure accepted papers are published as quickly as possible.

For more information, please consult the following:

Listing of all Nature Portfolio journals and subject areas
A general explanation of the relationships between Nature Portfolio titles

Editorial and publishing policies

As part of Nature Portfolio, Communications Engineering is guided by the Nature Portfolio editorial policies. Submission of a manuscript to Communications Engineering implies that all authors have read and approved its content and that the manuscript conforms to our editorial policies. 



The Nature Portfolio journals' authorship policy (including Authorship: inclusion & ethics in global research).

Competing interests

Nature Portfolio journals' competing interests policies.

Ethics and Biosecurity

Nature Portfolio journals' editorial policies on publishing primary research reporting experiments on living organisms; and on biosecurity and bioethics.

Reporting standards and availability of data, materials, code and protocols

Nature Portfolio journals' policy on availability of materials and data, and reporting requirements for life sciences research articles.

Image integrity and standards

Nature Portfolio journals' policies and guidelines on digital images and their manipulation.

Plagiarism and duplicate publication

The Nature Portfolio journals' policies on plagiarism and on providing due credit for published and unpublished data.

Corrections, Retractions and Matters Arising

Nature Portfolio journals' policy on corrections, retractions and other amendments to published material.

Peer Review

Nature Portfolio journals' advice for peer-reviewers, and policies relevant to the peer-review process.


The Nature Portfolio journals' policies on confidentiality.


The Nature Portfolio journals’ acknowledgements policies.

Preprints & Conference Proceedings

Nature Portfolio journals' policy on preprints and conference proceedings.

Press and embargo policies

Nature Portfolio journals' policy on authors' communication with the media and at scientific meetings.

Self archiving and license to publish

Nature Portfolio license to publish policy, and conditions of re-use, for authors.

Please note that any additional or different policy requirements are stated in our submission guidelines, so it’s important to read and follow these instructions carefully before submitting your work. We reserve the right to decline publication of a paper even after it has been accepted if it becomes apparent that there are serious problems with the scientific content or violations of our editorial and publishing policies.

In particular, when you submit a manuscript to Communications Engineering its content must not significantly overlap with any other papers from you or your co-authors’ groups that are under consideration or in press at other journals, with the exception of conference abstracts. We do, however, support the posting of preprints.

If you submit a related manuscript to any other journals while the submission to Communications Engineering is under consideration, you must send us a copy of the related manuscript and details of its progress towards publication.