
Changes in the percentage of 5-year-old children with no experience of decay in Dudley towns since the implementation of fluoridation schemes in 1987 by M. M. Gray and J. Davies-Slowik Br Dent J 2001; 190: 30–32


In the 1980s, several water fluoridation schemes were started in the West Midlands. Although many data have been published from cross-sectional studies, this is the first publication to report specifically on the effect of one of these new schemes. It is important that evaluation of fluoridation schemes continue to be undertaken as this is the only way in which effectiveness or otherwise of this public health measure can continue to be assessed.

Surely, there is overwhelming evidence that water fluoridation remains the most effective method of preventing dental caries? The recently published systematic review of water flouridation by the Centre of Reviews and Dissemination of the University of York drew attention to the much smaller number of studies that were included in that review compared with the number the authors had anticipated. There were few prospective studies. Dr Gray's prospective study is one of the unpublished reports included in that review.

It compares whole populations of children aged five at three time points over 9 years in seven Dudley towns. The proportion of children with no dental caries increased in six towns, all of which were in the new fluoridation scheme. The remaining unfluoridated town showed an increase in the proportion of children with decay. In other words, dental health among those aged five improved where fluoride had been added to the water and deteriorated where it had not.

Might another factor have been responsible? The study design is only of moderate strength and it is, therefore, possible that something else happened that was responsible for the change in caries levels. The examiners were not blind to the children's fluoridation status and might have been influenced by this. Other confounding factors might have been responsible but the study design does not allow for their identification. However, given that the social class make-up of the communities (the most likely confounding factor) remained unchanged, over the time period, it is difficult to suggest another plausible alternative than that water fluoridation was responsible for the decline in caries.

This study found a marked reduction in the number of children affected by caries even against a presumed background of using fluoridated toothpaste. This paper provides evidence to support the use of water fluoridation as a public health measure in towns with moderate levels of caries.