Why publish with the BDJ?

  • For reputation: established in 1872, the BDJ is the flagship journal of the British Dental Association and one of the longest established dental journals in the world
  • For real-world impact: influence front-line dental practice through the BDJ’s wide clinical readership
  • For Impact Factor: 2-year IF = 2.6 (2022 Journal Citation Reports®)
  • For wide dissemination: over 29k Twitter followers and 11k Facebook followers - get big online attention and social impact
  • For reach: 4,458,012 million downloads (2022 COUNTER 5) 
  • For author service: rigorous peer review and competitive turnaround times (median time from submission to first editorial decision is 9 days)
  • For expert advice: our dedicated, responsive and experienced editorial team guide authors through the entire publication process

Corresponding author Dr Saoirse O’Toole commented: "It was a pleasure to publish in the British Dental Journal alongside other respected authors in my field. I was delighted at the reach of the article and thank the BDJ team for helping to bring awareness to the condition of erosive tooth wear. The submission process was very quick and the editorial team were helpful in their communications. I would not hesitate to publish in the BDJ again."


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