Name: Wendy Leach

Age: 43

Town: Tonbridge

Loves: All things technological, animals and sunshine.

Hates: Polystyrene! Intolerance of all kinds, and beetroot.

What is your job? Clinical IT Co-ordinator, which involves (as well as nursing and reception) making presentations for lectures, filming and editing implant surgery, designing marketing leaflets and newsletters for the practice and statistical analysis of data. I am also Assistant Radiation Supervisor.

How did you get your job? I started at Stradbrook Dental Centre almost ten years ago as a part time receptionist, whilst my children were small, but luckily I was encouraged to use my love of IT, which has made my job much more varied, and more recently I am able to design marketing leaflets and other creative projects.

What do you enjoy most about your job? I absolutely love my job – we are a great team and the practice is very forward looking, but the best part is being able to use my creative side and my love of IT.

What is the most challenging part of your job? Some days I feel I am doing 100 things all at once and there are just not enough hours in the day – good job I like working under pressure!

If you weren't working in dentistry, what would you be doing? If money were no object I would work with autistic young people – my son has Asperger's syndrome – and being with him and his friends makes you appreciate how valuable they are and how much they have to give if they have the right input.

Would you recommend a career in dentistry? I would – especially with the way dentistry is moving forward, there are many more roles evolving other than the traditional nurse or receptionist, such as treatment co-ordinator or nurse specialist.

What three things could you not live without? Apart from the obvious (my husband and children!) – my dogs, my Macbook and my car (12 years young!)