Providing oral care for stroke patients, see page 40.

‘My eyes nearly popped out of my head when I discovered what is available to us online: a complete wealth of information all together!’ emailed one dental nurse last month who had just logged on to the Vital website for the first time.

The Vital postbag has overflowed since the summer issue of Vital was published back in June. I have been snowed under with entries to the spa competition, queries about Vital CPD and requests for extra copies of the new-look Vital. We are thrilled that all of our efforts to improve Vital and send it directly to DCPs on the ‘surgery floor’ have been so well received. Thank you to everyone for their feedback!

Male dental nurse and all-round good guy Alistair Parker is interviewed on page 36.

I was also pleased to hear from a number of DCPs with a story to tell Vital readers. Implant dental nurse Nicola George describes working with an implantologist on page 43, Alistair Parker shares his passion for dental nursing on page 36, and Bobby Keeling not only contributed this issue's cover story but agreed to star on the front cover!

In the advice section this issue looks at what to do now that the GDC registration deadline has passed if you haven't yet registered – see page 51.

Our CPD articles for autumn look at preventing dental caries in children and the effects of stroke on oral health. Turn to page 48 for detailed information on subscribing to Vital CPD, if you haven't already signed up.

We hope you continue to enjoy reading Vital and if there's anything you want to see more of, as always just drop me a line on

Kate Maynard, Editor

‘Stub it out!’ says Bobby on page 30.