I read with great interest your article on Routes to registration (Vital winter 07 pages 44–45). I am a 3rd year student in Dental Hygiene and Therapy at Birmingham University and I am currently working on my research project called ‘Access to the UK – Skills Transference for the Dental Hygienist’ in which I am looking at access barriers and the process of skills transference which dental hygienists (DHs) who have qualified in countries other than the UK have to undergo (contrasting EU and non-EU countries).

At the end of your article you encouraged readers to share their experiences with Vital. I am still looking for dental hygienists who qualified in Canada, the US or Australia for interviews or for just generally sharing their experiences, whether they have achieved skills transference and are registered or not. I would love to hear from them.

Please contact the Editor on vitaleditorial@nature.com or telephone 020 7843 3680 if you would like to be put in touch with Friederike.