
Star Letter

First, may I congratulate you on Vital, it is both informative and interesting. One of the few publications that the whole dental team can enjoy. I recently read the star letter from Stephen Bray, in which he says he values his nurses. How many other dentists can say that?

Speaking as a dental nurse in a busy practice, to feel valued as an important member of the team is more important to me than the Christmas bonus. If we, as dental nurses feel valued we will in turn work harder to ensure that the practice is a success. A simple thank you from the dentist is very appreciated.

If I feel that the dentist doesn't appreciate me, I in turn feel that it is not worth my while working hard.

What do other dental nurses think?

Vital responds: The importance of your relationship with your dentist will be the Perspectives topic in the Winter issue of Vital.

Send your letters to: the Editor, Vital, BDJ, British Dental Association, 64 Wimpole Street, London W1G 8YS or email Authors must sign the letter, which may be edited for reasons of space.

Our star letter writer will receive a Sonnet Black Laque fountain pen (£90 RRP) courtesy of Parker Pens.