Dame Margaret Seward, former editor of the BDJ, President of the GDC and then Chief Dental Officer, was delighted to see a stand for Bickiepegs at the BDA conference in Glasgow and later at the BSDHT Conference in Bournemouth.

Dame Margaret Seward meeting the owners of Bickiepegs, Hazel and Tony Cowan

Over 35 years ago Margaret made a film about Bickiepegs, the children's teething product, after mentioning the product in her Masters thesis. As secretary of the British Paedodontic Society, Margaret put forward the film to the International Children's Dentistry Association in Paris in 1973 for the 4th International Congress of Dentistry.

Bickiepegs donated £2k towards making the film and Margaret was able to employ a filmmaker to prepare a script while a friend's flat in Potters Bar became the location. It was completed with the help of the Royal Society of Medicine Film Unit.

The 14 minute colour film was named Nothing but the tooth. It was a runaway success, translated into several different languages and shown around the world, winning many awards.

Bickiepegs are made in Aberdeen and promoted as a healthy way to help babies teething.