CAD/CAM temporary crowns demonstrated superior mechanical properties compared to direct handmade counterparts.

Abdullah AO, Pollington S, Liu Y. Dent Mater J 2018; 10.4012/dmj.2017-315. [Epub ahead of print].

This study investigated marginal fit, internal fit, fracture strength and mode of fracture of CAD/CAM temporary crowns when compared with direct chairside counterparts. An upper left first premolar Frasaco tooth was prepared for an all-ceramic crown. The materials used for comparison were VITA CAD-Temp, ArtBlocTemp, PMMA DISK and Acrytemp (control group). The crowns were divided into four groups (n = 10). The average marginal gap, internal gap and fracture strength showed statistically significant difference between groups. The fracture mode showed statistically non-significant difference (p >0.05) among experimental groups. The CAD/CAM temporary crowns demonstrated superior mechanical properties compared to direct handmade counterparts.