The British Society of Dental Hygiene and Therapy (BSDHT) is keen to promote this year's Oral Health Conference and Exhibition (OHC) entitled 'The future is yours', taking place at the Telford International Centre, Shropshire, on 23-24 November 2018.

The conference and exhibition will provide an array of learning and networking opportunities for all UK dental hygienists and dental therapists.

Tim Ives will be one of the many not-to-be-missed speakers, presenting a session on 'LipZip – Incorporating Buteyko breathing and oral myology into practice and beyond' on 23 November 2018.

Ives said: 'During my lecture, I will examine the importance of correct breathing, covering how to do it, how to identify mouth breathers and how to help them become nose breathers.

'This is important for dental hygienists and dental therapists because we should be providing holistic care and there is a direct effect on the oral cavity for patients who are breathing incorrectly. For example, it increases the risk of disease and it can also have an impact on growth of the jaws in children.

'OHC 2018 provides the ideal opportunity to network, learn and have some fun so I would definitely encourage all dental hygienists and dental therapists to attend.'

For more information, please visit or call 01788 575050 or