The W&H Implantmed with the innovative new Osstell ISQ module enables clinicians to easily assess the stability of an implant in an instant.

This unique measuring system retrofits seamlessly and easily to the W&H Implantmed surgical unit. It quickly evaluates and displays quantitative information including the Implant Stability Quotient (ISQ) and Resonance Frequency Analysis (RFA) to help clinicians to assess osseointegration.

Patients undertake a very simple and non-invasive procedure using a Smart Peg (which is inserted to the inside thread of the implant) and a measuring probe.

The Osstell ISQ module analyses the frequency at which resonance is reached using micro-vibrations and the readings provide clinicians with a safe, precise and reliable means of determining the optimum time to load an implant.

In addition, the W&H Implantmed and Osstell ISQ module was an excellent communication tool, said the company. Clinicians no longer needed to be vague about the timing of implant loading because by using the measurements, clinicians could illustrate patient progress and explain more easily when more healing time was required.

More information is available by visiting, by calling 01727 874990, or emailing