New regulations mean that dental amalgam should not be used for dental treatment of pregnant or breastfeeding women, children under 15 years, or in deciduous teeth except when deemed strictly necessary by the dental practitioner based on the specific medical needs of the patient.

Therefore clinicians need to use an appropriate alternative to amalgam for Class I or II restorations in these situations.

GC's EQUIA Forte bulk fill glass hybrid restorative is the answer because of its enhanced physical properties, which deliver a stronger and superior posterior bulk fill restoration, and its 'GC pedigree', says the company. Unlike traditional GIC's, Equia Forte is recommended in its 'Instructions For Use' for Class I and II restorations (in both non-stress and certain stress bearing areas), intermediate restorations, Class V and root surface restorations, and core build-ups.

Compared with other restorative options Equia Forte gives a substantial time advantage, whilst its aesthetics widen the posterior restorative options enabling dentists to fulfil their patient's expectations. It also offers superior qualities of fluoride release and chemical bonding to all types of tooth structure creating a perfect seal against secondary caries, said the company. More information is available by contacting GC UK Ltd on 01908 218999, emailing or by visiting