The BDA is calling on general dental and specialist practitioners to share their experience of working in a dental practice across the UK.

Your responses will shape the vital work the BDA undertake on your behalf. Your comments will provide them with a unique insight into the pressures facing the workforce in 2018. They also provide the evidence the BDA submit to the Doctors and Dentists Review Body that makes recommendations on dentists' pay.

Share thoughts on your motivation, job satisfaction, morale and well-being as well as your working patterns and hours, future career intentions, and issues you may encounter retaining or recruiting dentists, if this applies to you.

It just takes 10–15 minutes to complete the survey and you could win a £100 voucher or a gift card.

If you have received an email from the British Dental Association inviting you to take part, please complete the survey today by clicking on the personalised link shown in the email entitled 'Share your views: major survey of UK GDPs'.

Your information will remain anonymous and we will not pass your details on to any third parties.