
Adnan S et al. Dent Traumatol 2018; 10.1111/edt.12382

Following avulsion, successful replantation is greatly dependent on viable PDL cells. If the tooth is not immediately replanted, an appropriate storage medium is required. The aim of the review was to identify the most recommended medium that can be used for storage and transport of avulsed teeth, based on PDL cell viability. Laboratory-based experimental studies on PDL cells found on adult permanent teeth were included. The data were collected using PubMed, CINAHL plus and the Cochrane Library, along with Google Scholar and a hand search. Sixty-seven articles were selected. The authors concluded that natural media were found to be more effective in maintaining PDL cell viability compared to synthetic products. Milk was the most recommended medium followed by Hank's balanced salt solution. Among the natural products, propolis and coconut water were also recommended. Recommendations were based on maintenance of PDL cell viability followed by ease of availability, low cost and long shelf-life.