A-dec chairs are world-renowned for their reliability. Each component of every chair, light or delivery system has been rigorously tested in the A-dec factory to ensure it performs in circumstances beyond anything that might be reasonably experienced in the dental surgery.

On top of this, A-dec products have very reasonable life costs and will remain a solid investment over the length of their expected lifespan. This is of the utmost importance as professionals do not want to be beleaguered by expensive maintenance costs and upkeep fees over the long period of time that a modern dental chair can be expected to operate.

Most importantly, A-dec works closely with a number of UK retailers, creating a strong and indispensable support network. Retailer engineers have been certified by A-dec's experienced team, allowing them to easily service or repair A-dec products with genuine parts and provide the highest standard of maintenance and repair.

With A-dec's support, these engineers will also be able to establish the A-dec planned preventative maintenance programme, which is the most effective way of ensuring equipment is kept in optimum condition for longer.

To find out more about A-dec equipment and how it could help you keep up with your upkeep, contact the friendly UK team today. Visit www.a-dec.co.uk or call 0800 2332 85.