Demonstrate your conviction and commitment to safe dentistry by selecting strong and superior examination gloves from Unigloves.

As an expert in the field of single-use gloves, Unigloves has developed the Vitality Range of premium latex and nitrile gloves specifically for the dental sector:

  • Vitality Latex – 100% latex, powder free, single use gloves with a naturally moisturising lanolin and vitamin E coating to protect and nourish the skin

  • Vitality Mint Latex – 100% latex, powder free, single use gloves with natural moisturisers and scented with citrus and peppermint for a pleasant taste

  • Vitality Nitrile - latex free, powder free, single use gloves with a natural coating of lanolin and vitamin E.

Every pair features double-chlorinated beaded cuffs to make them easy to use and a micro-roughened surface for excellent grip and dexterity.

The Vitality Range is fully compliant with all relevant UK regulations and with the purpose of delivering safety through quality; Unigloves ensure that their gloves are produced to the very highest standards with precision and care.

To make a positive statement about hygiene and infection control at your practice, contact Unigloves today.