
Topçuoğlu HS Topçuoğlu G. Acta Odontol Scand 2017;75: 249–254

The investigators suggest that the main cause of pain associated with non-surgical endodontic retreatment is extrusion of debris during removal of root canal filling material. The principal aim of this study was to explore the degree of postoperative pain when carrying out non-surgical endodontic retreatment on upper incisor teeth carried out 1) using hand files, 2) PROTAPER® UNIVERSAL RETREATMENT and 3) RECIPROC® one file endo system. The most severe postoperative pain was experienced by those whose retreatment was carried out by hand files and occurred in about half of the patients. Regardless of method, no pain was reported after 7 days.The RECIPROC system completed the task in the shortest time (3 minutes vs. 7 minutes for use of hand files).