Despite the drive towards minimally invasive dentistry, there are still many patients who have failing, heavily restored dentitions that are not suitable for this type of adhesive dentistry and require traditional full mouth rehabilitation.

This needs to be carried out at the highest level of precision in a structured, well-planned manner using predictable and accurate techniques in order to ensure long-term success. There needs to be close co-operation and understanding between the clinician and the technician as well as extremely close correlation between technical stages and clinical stages to avoid errors.

On Friday 14 July 2017 Mizrahi Dental Teaching will be presenting an all-day lecture on full mouth rehabilitation which will focus on the sequencing and treatment techniques needed. It will be clinically based and aimed at experienced dentists and technicians.

Aims and objectives:

  • How to assess and plan a full mouth rehabilitation

  • Understand the steps involved and why each one is needed

  • Demonstrate the techniques used including tooth preparation, core restorations, bite registration, temporisation and cementation

  • Troubleshooting – it doesn't always go smoothly.

For more information on this and other upcoming courses contact Mizrahi Dental Teaching by email on, visit or call 0203 394 2984.