Most of us, without even realising it, are damaging our spines by the way we sit at work. For dental professionals, this is a serious issue, since musculoskeletal disorders are the main reasons for early retirement in the profession.

In other words, simply sitting down could be affecting the quality of your work and cutting years off your healthy career.

A-dec has a solution. Its range of ergonomic stools, including the premier A-dec 500 range, have been specially designed to provide dental professionals with an effective and comfortable seating option. A dynamic system, the A-dec 500 stool has three layers of flexible material designed to conform to your every shift and movement, providing you with unprecedented support and comfort.

What's more, the stool features for points of adjustability, enabling you to find the correct posture – and precise increments of movement can be made easily throughout the day to ensure you are sitting comfortably no matter what.

The A-dec 500 stool also features a variety of innovative optional features that increase its ergonomic efficacy. From additional foot pedestals to encourage the healthier 'athletic' stance to swing-out armrests for optimum support, the stool has everything you need to practise dentistry safely and comfortably.

Combining A-dec's iconic durability with effortless stylishness and functionality, the A-dec 500 stool is the perfect addition to any modern dental surgery. Contact the expert team today to try it for yourself. Visit or call 0800 2332 85.