Do you ask your patients if they vape?

With the e-cigarette industry introducing new rules for its products, dental practitioners must again think about what they advise patients who use them.

Anything that reduces exposure to tobacco should be supported, but the fact remains that the long-term impact of using e-cigarettes and the like is still largely unknown.

What is known, however, is that a good, daily routine using high-quality products will keep the mouth as clean as possible and help prevent future problems developing.

TANDEX brushes, interdental brushes and adjunctive products, including GEL and PREVENT wash, will allow a patient who vapes to optimise their oral health and they may decide not to risk the unknown impact of vaping after all.

When talking with your patients, it is best to stick with the evidence. Encourage smoking cessation and tell vapers that the ultimate aim should be to quit this habit too.

A tried-and-tested TANDEX routine will show them just how much better a beautiful, healthy smile feels.

For more information on Tandex's range of products, visit