After a successful debut year running his in-house course, Learning Lingual, Asif Chatoo is repeating the four-day course in 2017. The appeal for delegates who are committed to learning lingual is that tutoring isn't limited to any particular system but empowers them to feel at home with all aspects of the technique.

In its first year, the lingual course received highly positive feedback with delegates rating a total of 120 points out of 125 on five topics including content and the balance of theoretical and hands-on learning. Feedback also showed delegates valued the session where they could discuss cases both ongoing and planned.

Learning Lingual in 2017 will be hosted in Dr Chatoo's state of the art clinic on Wimpole Street, London and run over two modules: the introductory module on January 27 and 28 and the advanced on May 12 and 13.

Delegates can attend just one module or both and booking is open now. For more information see: