
Qadri S, Parkin NA et al. J Orthod 2016 43: 137–146

This study used the following methods: at the completion of either orthodontic closure or prosthetic replacement of missing lateral incisor teeth, the ten most attractive rated images (five for each treatment modality), were selected by a panel of five orthodontists and five restorative dentists, from a total of 21 images. Thirty-one thousand university students and staff were then invited to participate in the web-based survey. They were asked to rate the attractiveness of the images using a 5-point Likert scale. There was only a 3% response rate with an associated risk of non-responsive bias. Apart from space closure with canine camouflage being rated more attractive than space opening and prosthetic replacement (p <0.001), females rated general attractiveness higher than males (65·4% vs 57·3%; odds ratio 1·39; 95% CI 1·23–1·57), the age of rater had no effect and nor did whether or not the rater had received orthodontic treatment.