Attend an evening of lectures, discussion and the opportunity to experience the GXDP-800 at the 'Progressing your Practice' live event series.

Chris Barrow, renowned consultant, trainer and coach to the UK dental profession, will be presenting his take on 'Marketing Dentistry in the current digital landscape' with what promises to be an engaging and entertaining lecture. You will also gain an insight into the ways 3D imaging can bring benefits to your practice with the 'Progressing your Practice with CBCT' lecture and take part in a hands-on demonstration of the latest 3D imaging system from Gendex, the GXDP-800.

KaVo, Kerr, Nobel Biocare, Orascoptic and Ormco will all be exhibiting at the events giving you access to the latest product innovations from these market leading companies all under one roof.

The events* are free to attend and you will receive up to three hours of verifiable CPD. What's more, you can choose the location that is most convenient for you:

London, 16 June 2016, 17.30-21.00

Birmingham, 27 June 2016, 17.30-21.00

Dublin, 8 September 2016, 18.00-20.00

Cardiff, 22 September 2016, 17.30-21.00.

Find out more and register now at

*Limited places available. You will receive an email confirming your place. KaVo Dental reserves the right to make changes or cancel the events as necessary. Chris Barrow will not appear at the event in Dublin.