QMUL is delighted to announce that the new integrated three-year DClinDent postgraduate programme (540 credits) for dentists who want to specialise in periodontology is officially launched and open for applications.

The full-time degree provides a sound basis for preparing for the membership examinations of the Royal Colleges, for a career as a specialist in the discipline of periodontology or for developing an academic career. It integrates academic activities with clinical practice and research up to level 8 of FHEQ and covers all the topics in the GDC (UK) specialist curriculum.

The course combines strengths in clinical periodontology, implant dentistry, epidemiological and public health research in dentistry along with a solid research base in basic science in periodontology. It also brings together a range of multi-disciplinary teams with the main focus on areas including: periodontal regeneration, mucogingival surgery and implant dentistry. It is accommodated in the newly opened dental school at the new Royal London hospital, a £78 million project with the latest advanced dental technology in place.

It is taught by academics who are leaders in the field, with the latest opening of the new Clinical Oral Research Centre under the leadership of Professor N. Donos. The recruitment of Professor N. Donos is supported by the development of new, dedicated clinical research facilities within the new hospital.

For applications or further enquiries, visit www.qmul.ac.uk/dclindent-periodontology or contact the course director D. Chatzopoulou on d.chatzopoulou@qmul.ac.uk.