
van Nieuwenhuizen AJ, Buffart LM et al. Oral Oncol 2015; 51: 1–11

Patients recovering from cancer are challenged with life-changing physical and psychosocial issues. And those with head and neck cancer (HNC), also have to come to terms with difficulties with eating and speech. What is the quality of life in those who have received treatment for HNC, and is there any correlation with survival? Nineteen studies were included, eleven of which were judged of high quality. Nevertheless, there was no discussion of the 'ceiling effect' (little room for improvement, if there is a good quality of life before treatment) or the opposing 'floor effect'. In addition, the investigators did not state how they compared different measures of HRQol. Higher levels of pre-treatment physical function were associated with increased survival and there was an 'association between change in global Qol from pre-treatment to 6 months post-treatment and survival.'