Book review

  • Marie D. George,
  • Timothy G. Donley &
  • Philip M. Preshaw
Wiley-Blackwell price £44.99 pp 232 ISBN 9781118295458 | ISBN: 978-1-1182-9545-8

Ultrasonic Periodontal Debridement: Theory and Technique covers a range of topics condensed into 210 pages with clear-cut information, beautiful diagrams, updates and supported evidence to suit an audience from undergraduate to well experienced practitioners. It also reviews and compares historic to modern methods of periodontal debridement from manual instrumentation and ultrasonic instrumentation to laser energy.

In a total of eight chapters the authors detail everything from pathophysiology to practical recommended tricks of the trade. Helpfully, the margin has staggering blocks of colour per chapter making it easy to flick through and locate information.

It provides a common-sense approach with simple language that gets straight to the point. This makes it perfect for a quick brush-up or as preparations for those pesky exams. The use of headings nicely separates the text, making it stress-free to skip to the relevant sections.

Scientific peer-reviewed publications can be found in the reference section provided at the end of each chapter for further reading and supportive evidence.

This book has been proficiently designed with clarity and the latest evidence, making it of excellent value to every clinician's library – from undergraduate students and hygiene therapists to experienced general dental practitioners.