Smaller, faster and with the gold standard in pathogen killing efficacy, the next generation of microbial eradication technology has just been launched by the world leader in bio-decontamination.

The Bioquell BQ-50 is the result of an innovative R&D endeavour conducted by Bioquell following in-depth market research. Using the latest hydrogen peroxide vapour (HPV) technology to eradicate pathogens, the company has been developing this new system to provide the healthcare sector with an even more efficient and flexible bio-decontamination process.

The BQ-50 works by depositing an even layer of 'micro-condensation' of HPV over all surfaces to eradicate the bugs. It now offers short cycle times, is simple to use and is a compact/portable size. These innovations enable hospitals to decontaminate patient rooms more quickly hence enhancing patient flow without compromising infection control practices. The system is now ready to work at the touch of a button, no more data entry is required as the machine automatically assesses all the influencing variables including room size and humidity level.

Ease of use has also been improved by reducing the number of cables and enabling wifi communication between the master vapourising generator, the aeration units and the command centre lectern. The size of the units has been significantly reduced to help provide easier handling around the hospital. Finally, the process of using the liquid sterilant has also been optimised to avoid any wastage.