G-aenial Universal Flo is GC's unique and highly wear-resistant injectable composite for general restorative use including all Class I to V cavities.

With the physical performance of a regular composite, it is highly thixotropic and stays in place, holding its shape for ease of use. Users find it to be virtually self-polishing with superb aesthetics. Its indications are for direct restorations, minimum intervention cavities and fissure sealing.

Incorporating innovative filler technology, it features a high filler load and a homogeneous dispersion of fillers, resulting in high strength and great wear resistance. Studies have confirmed that it has higher strength, higher wear resistance and higher gloss retention than other tested flowable composites; it even rivals leading conventional composites in these categories.

G-aenial Universal Flo is dispensed through an ergonomically designed syringe that enables smooth delivery of the material, with a tapered tip that means no paste sticks to it. The design also prevents waste because minimal residual paste remains in the syringe after use.

For further information contact GC UK Ltd on 01908 218999.