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In China each year 20 September is Love Your Teeth Day. This nationwide campaign encourages the Chinese people to take care of their teeth and gums, and promote oral health education.

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As part of a trial, text messages are being sent to unemployed New Zealanders to remind them to brush their teeth in an attempt by the government to improve dental health. The daily messages ask whether recipients had brushed and tell them to respond when they had.

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Somewhat surprisingly, the first known electric toothbrush can be traced back to 1880. However, the first modern electric started selling in Switzerland in 1939. Initially these electronic toothbrushes were intended for patients with limited motor skills and orthodontic patients.

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Dental floss has many uses it seems. Did you know that in 1994 a prison inmate in West Virginia used a rope made of dental floss to scale the wall and escape? The prisoner braided his dental floss into a ten metre long rope with the thickness of a telephone cable.