
Juloski J, Fadda GM et al. J Dent Res 2014; 10.1177/0022034514527970

Does the residual coronal tooth structure (including ferrule design characteristics), influence the longevity of teeth restored with fibre posts? In this prospective clinical trial over a 48-month period, 120 premolar teeth were restored with GC FIBER POST and either GRADIA® CORE or self-adhesive universal cement GCem Automix. Remaining amounts of tooth structure were assessed after crown preparation. When residual tooth structure comprised at least one sound wall in addition to a 1.5 mm ferrule effect, of note only 63.3% of fibre posts were deemed a success during the 4 years of observation. When there was more than 50% of coronal residual structure remaining and the fibre post was restored with GRADIA® CORE, there was a 90% success. However, when the data were analysed statistically, neither the residual tooth structure nor the luting material were shown to influence the risk of failure. Failures were ascribed to periapical lesions and post debonding in the shorter term, with root fractures after 3 and 4 years. Seldom was there post fracture.