It was revealed in January that students who completed a one year Tipton Training course and passed relevant examinations would receive credits for theoretical modules on the City of London Dental School's master's degree programme, known as MClinDent.

Now successful completion of Tipton Training's dentistry courses can lead to delegates being accepted into the third year of either the MClinDent Restorative and Cosmetic degree, or the MClinDent Dental Implantology degree.

The same principle applies to Tipton Training's implant course. After a successful first year of training, delegates may take the BADI certificate examinations. Completion would gain exemption from the first year of the MClinDent Dental Implantology degree.

After taking the second year of Tipton Training's implant course, a BADI diploma can be awarded to the delegates who pass the exams. The BADI diploma provides entrance to the final year of the MClinDent Dental Implantology degree.

The MClinDent masters degree programme, from the City of London Dental School, is a clinically-based qualification that is suitable for candidates looking to make strides within both clinical practice and academia.

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