When you prescribe an Oralift appliance it will enable you to earn up to £2,000. Quick and easy to do, prescribing Oralift appliances offers a high return on your investment in time.

The Oralift device is designed to reduce and delay the signs of facial ageing (crow's feet, wrinkles, loss of skin tone, sagging jowls etc) without the need for surgery, needles or artificial fillers.

Oralift is a thermoplastic bite-guard which is easy to fit over the mandibular teeth similarly to a small mouthguard. It is worn for between 30 minutes and two hours, every third day for four months initially. After this, two month top-ups twice a year is all that is needed. Requiring no exercise programme, the facial muscles are simply activated to create the rejuvenating effect by just wearing it in the mouth. After a matter of weeks, patients will start to notice Oralift's rejuvenating effects, which can become stronger and more pronounced as they continue the therapy.

Oralift therapy is simple, easy to use and above all totally natural.

To learn more about the Practice Building Benefits of Oralift attend one of Nick Mohindra's Two Day Hands On Courses. The £650 course fee includes 12 hours' verifiable CPD and a free set of Oralift appliances. The next course will be held in London on 27-28 June 2014.

To book a place or for further information visit www.oralift.com or info@oralift.com.