Book review

  • M. C. Meikle
, Otago University Press price $30.00; pp 264, ISBN 9781877578397 | ISBN: 978-1-8775-7839-7

This book is written by Professor Meikle, emeritus professor in orthodontics at King's College London. It is an up-to-date retelling of the lives and work of the 'big four' plastic surgeons working in the United Kingdom during the First and Second World Wars. It outlines the journeys of these four influential surgeons, who all incredibly had roots in a small corner of New Zealand, and includes fascinating stories of their motivations and development.

The work is split into 12 intelligible chapters treading the line between the details of their medical and surgical work, and the recounting of theirs lives away from the operating table. There is also a chapter dedicated to the renowned 'Guinea Pig Club', as well as an appendix listing the entire club. Extensive appendices also include important staff and officers.

The text is well laid out and easy to enjoy whilst still being well researched and detailed from the start. The book is generously filled with figures and illustrations on virtually every page. Ranging from hand written notes to photographs to pastille drawings, the figures help to maintain the readers' interest throughout.

In addition a supplementary DVD includes live surgery footage performed by Rainsford Mowlem converted from original 16 mm footage, which stands as a testament to his skill and makes for fascinating viewing.

Whilst not aiming to be a guide to surgical techniques, as many may now be outmoded, it provides an enjoyable and informative backdrop to modern techniques in many instances. Although this is not a book on how to 'reconstruct faces', I can't imagine many plastic and maxillofacial surgeons who would not find this an enthralling read.

This beautifully presented hardback book is a rare thing in that it is of significant interest to both medical and dental practitioners as well as medical historians and would not be out of place even in a coffee table collection. The book suggests it is 'a must for anyone interested in the history of medicine' and I'm inclined to agree.