
Magalhães AC, Wiegand A et al. Braz Oral Res 2014; 28(Spec Iss 1): 1–6

Dentifrices with the aim of preventing or controlling erosion, counter-intuitively may increase tooth wear. What the manufacturers advertise, and what the literature reports, maybe inconsistent. Calcium sodium phosphosilicate (NovaMin®) containing toothpaste (Sensodyne Repair & Protect), 'had no preventive or repairing effect on erosion'. Distinct from this product sold in the UK and in some other markets, it is understood stannous fluoride has been substituted in NovaMin® in the US. It would also appear, that regardless as to whether a toothpaste contains no fluoride, 1,100 ppm fluoride, or 5,000 ppm fluoride, there were no differences in their reparative properties. And then a toothpaste with a relatively low REA (relative enamel abrasion value) may have a high RDA (relative dentine abrasion) and vice versa. The authors advise that as whitening toothpastes are more abrasive, they should not be used on a frequent basis. Taken in the round, however, the 'benefits of dentifrices exceed adverse side effects'. There is a plea for more clinical studies.