
Makdissi J. Fac Dent J 2012; 3: 152–156

It is now 10 years since the European Association for Osseointegration published guidelines for the use of diagnostic imaging, including 'the missing third dimension', in implant dentistry. Since then a number of other guidelines have been issued and the EAO guidelines updated. The Health Protection Agency published guidance in 2010 and this is a 'must read document for anyone using or operating a CBCT'. In addition, the SEDENTEXCT project has developed evidence-based guidelines for the use of CBCT in dentistry. Recommendations include 1) the entire image dataset should be reported on 2) by someone who is competent. For non-dental fields that include the TMJ, this should be by a dental and maxillofacial radiologist or by a clinical (medical) radiologist. Obviously, CBCT should only be used if lower dose conventional radiography cannot help to answer the clinical question.