Comflexin is a new denture alternative that has been developed by the team at CosTech Elite Dental Laboratory to provide GDPs with a comfortable, flexible solution for their patients.

It uses spaces to grip and secure itself to prevent movement during eating. There is no need for metal clasps as ComFlexin is made to hug the teeth naturally. It is aesthetically pleasing with a translucent pink material that blends with gums to help conceal the partial denture.

It is also 50% thinner than the average acrylic denture, 50% lighter than a comparative acrylic denture, monomer-free, with material made from thermoplastic nylon, unbreakable and comes with a five year guarantee.

Upon purchase of your first flexible denture, you will receive a voucher for £60 discount from your next case.

Other in-house dental solutions developed and created by the team at CosTech include ZirconArch, which has the strength of zirconium to create strong aesthetically pleasing large span bridges, NaturElite, a natural looking denture created from superior materials based on the elements of nature and golden proportions, and Thineers, which are ultra thin porcelain veneers for the Hollywood' smile.

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