Sir, having just read Dr Rothschild's letter (BDJ 2009; 206: 338), I have to add my ha'pennyworth. It is my opinion that the GDC, far from being an independent arbiter of professional standards, has become an instrument for control, by the Government, via the Department of Health. This view is, in my opinion, supported by a recent article by Roger Matthews in Dentistry and has been my experience whilst practising. When asked for an opinion about practice standards, it seemed that the standard reply has been, to paraphrase, 'Try it and see. If you are incorrect in your interpretation we'll screw you.'

Being of a lower deck mentality I was never content with the 'passing off' that the GDC attempted when I asked for interpretations of their directives and I used the good offices of my MP to get a direct answer. In both cases it transpired that my opinion was correct, but I was left with the feeling that the worth of the GDC in its allotted role of protecting patients was severely diminished. It seemed to me that it was there simply to deal with any transgressors rather than give clear and unambiguous guidance to ethical practitioners.

I am glad to say I am retired. The nonsense of the present GDC (once again a product of political correctness), has determined that the profession of dentistry will decline to be, simply, an outreach of the cosmetic industry.

This letter will do nothing to stem that disaster, sad when you think how hard our 'professionalism' was won, but at least I've had my say.