Dental caries: the disease and its clinical management, 2nd edition

  • O. Fejerskov &
  • E. Kidd
UK: Blackwell Munksgaard price £82.50; pp 616 ISBN 9781405138895 | ISBN: 978-1-4051-3889-5

This is the much anticipated second edition to a highly acclaimed publication. Material from the first edition has been revised, restructured and the addition of ten new chapters has updated and broadened this one of a kind text. This text presents a clear and logical discussion based on scientific knowledge of this subject which is essential to the practice of dentistry.

The wealth of information has been sourced from an increased number of internationally respected contributors. The book is divided into seven parts: the disease and its diagnosis, clinical caries epidemiology, dental caries in a biological context, non-operative therapy, operative intervention, caries control and prediction and dentistry in the twenty-first century. Each chapter stands alone and is concluded with a comprehensive reference list. The context pages are well laid out which allows location of specific information quickly.

The initial chapters cover fundamental topics which any undergraduate dental student would benefit from reading. The clinical, radiographic, histological and schematic illustration of caries and its progression is incredibly helpful in building diagnostic and decision making skills. Clinical topics are well dealt with as many procedures and techniques are illustrated in full colour and where appropriate, step by step sequences given. The potentially confusing topic of caries removal is discussed in a clear and concise manner using current knowledge of the disease process. The addition of clinical photographs in this section clarifies description within the text.

Longevity of restorations: the 'death spiral' is a new chapter which looks at success and failure of commonly used restorative materials in many clinical situations. It illustrates the clinical long term consequences of restorative intervention and reinforces the importance of appropriate prevention and diagnosis. This second edition discusses the implication of caries from a public health perspective. It looks at the health care economics of preventive approaches and at the role of dentistry globally in controlling caries and periodontitis. The evidence presented in these chapters can make for uncomfortable reading at times. However, these key additional topics further enhance and broaden this text.

This unique book comprehensively details all aspects of dental caries providing evidence based knowledge. It discusses current clinical practice and introduces modern concepts for the future of dental health care. This text must take pole position on recommended reading lists for all dental undergraduate and restorative postgraduate students. It is an essential buy for those practitioners seeking to advance their clinical practice.