
Lingen MW, Kalmar JR et al. Oral Oncology 2008; 44: 997–998

This multi-author letter from authorities in the field of oral cancer is a part of a dialogue with a scientist from the OralCDx Laboratories. At the heart of the debate is whether or not OralCDx® BrushTest® of suspected dysplastic lesions is not merely 'an ''aid'' but a test that provides definitive diagnostic information about a lesion – a test like a scalpel biopsy.' It is argued that the results from a BrushTest® must be compared with the 'gold standard' scalpel biopsy in 'establishing the “proof of principle” for this diagnostic adjunct/test'. Points made by the other side, in earlier correspondence, contend that the accuracy of the scalpel biopsy is fraught with confounders. In a conciliatory tone, the authors of this letter conclude that all parties are 'pursuing the same goal of detecting precancer and cancer at earlier and potentially more treatable stages'.