
Bidarra M, Buchanan JAG et al. J Oral Pathol Med 2008; 37: 582–586

The self-reported lifetime experience of extra-oral manifestations of lichen planus was ascertained by asking 87 patients, with oral lichen planus, to complete a questionnaire. All patients in this study had 'clinical features of oral lichen planus and most had had histopathological confirmation'. Forty percent reported signs and symptoms suggestive of extra-oral manifestations of lichen planus. Most commonly, this involved the nails (27.6%), although 25.3% complained of a persistent sore throat indicative of oro-pharyngeal involvement. Genital involvement was 'relatively infrequent' (10.3%) and 17.2% implied skin manifestations. Seventy percent of those with extra-oral lichen planus 'reported involvement of only one extraoral site'.