
Hallberg U, Camling E et al. Int J Paediatr Dent 2008; 18: 27–34

Despite free dental care to the age of 19, and a risk-related recall appointment system, some children in Sweden repeatedly fail to attend. Following an unsuccessful attempt to interview parents of a sample of parents of these children at clinics, taped interviews were made by telephone with a fresh sample of 16 parents (ages 35-63, 9 female). Data were collected and analysed according to the methods of grounded theory.

Four categories of reason were identified for failure to attend. The core category was 'being overloaded in everyday life', and the 3 related categories were: 'lack of dental healthcare tradition', 'lack of trust in the dental healthcare system' and 'lack of parental confidence' (a desire to shift responsibility to healthcare professionals). The authors considered that parental responsibility needed promotion, and that ways should be sought of overcoming the barriers to attendance.