
Shaw D. J Med Ethics 2008; 34: 184–187

This area abounds with paradoxes. For example, the author points out '...the definition (of an Exposure Prone Procedure - EPP) applied to dentistry is the same as that for a cardiac surgeon...'. In addition, if dental practitioners are infected with Hepatitis B and have low viral loads, they can carry out EPPs, yet if they are HIV positive and work in the UK, they must cease practice. It is argued that a 'reasonable protocol would temporarily oblige a dentist to refrain from EPPs until their HIV is under control' as indeed is the practice in certain states in the USA. When it comes to the eligibility of dental students to embark on their undergraduate programme, of those 4 UK dental schools that replied following contact, all screened for HBV, HCV and tuberculosis and three for HIV. It is argued forcefully, that the exclusion of dental students based on their blood-borne virus status is unethical, as long as the student poses no risk to the public.