Cooray U, Tsakos G, Heilmann A et al. Impact of Teeth on Social Participation: Modified Treatment Policy Approach. J Dent Res 2023; DOI: 10.1177/00220345231164106. Online ahead of print.

Socialising improves quality of life.

Social participation among older adults is an essential component of healthy ageing, preventing social isolation, and linked to higher life expectancy, lower cognitive decline and improved wellbeing and function.

Using data from a long-term Japanese cohort study of community-dwelling older adults aged >65 years, 24,872 participants were included in an online survey. Recording frequency of social interactions per week over the six-year period and self-reported number of teeth, and using a Longitudinal Modified Treatment Policy approach, various hypothetical scenarios were evaluated. The results showed that prevention of tooth loss had a positive effect on social participation. The largest improvement in social participation was seen in the scenario where >20 teeth were retained over the study period. All scenarios in which tooth loss occurred resulted in reduced social participation.