Neumeier T T, Reddy M, Geurs N, Hill J, Neumeier H. Longitudinal study of dental implants in HIV-positive patients. J Prosthodont 2021; doi: 10.1111/jopr.13421. Online ahead of print.

HIV per se was not a contraindication for implant-supported restorations.

This study compared the clinical outcome of dental implants and their restorations over a three-year period in both positive and negative HIV patients. Twenty patients testing positive and 21 negative control patients were selected. Over the three-year period, 25 of 42 implants placed in the negative control group were assessed, and 17 of 27 implants placed in the positive control group were evaluated. The overall patient retention rate was 77%. At the three-year follow-up, restorations examined were fully functional and causing no pain. Overall, implant retention within the positive group was 96%. Implant retention within the negative control group was 100%. No differences were noted between groups for bone loss.