Jum'ah A A, Elsalem L, Loch C, Schwass D, Brunton P A. Perception of health and educational risks amongst dental students and educators in the era of COVID-19. Eur J Dent Educ 2021; 25: 506-515.

Students stressed by the consequences of the pandemic

An online survey was carried out among staff and 4th and 5th year students at the Jordan University of Science and Technology to explore perceptions of the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on health, stress, and academic and clinical performance. A 60% response rate was achieved from both groups.

Aerosols, crowding in waiting areas and unintentional breaching of cross-infection controls were considered major risk factors. Fifty percent of students and staff believed that suspension of clinical activities would affect students' clinical competence, while 37% of students and 50% of staff believed that suspending teaching activities would adversely affect academic performance (20% of students thought suspension would have a positive impact). Suggestions to address the interruption of teaching activities included extension of the academic year, reducing clinical requirements and addressing skill deficits during vocational training. Educational videos were the preferred distance learning alternative amongst staff and students. Clinical simulation was favoured by students but not by the majority of staff.